Monday, April 09, 2007

snoop dogg vs billO

This is too funny to pass up, apologies for the lateness. Evidently a while ago, Bill O'Reilly insulted Snoop Dogg. Snoop was not pleased and spoke his mind during a recent interview.

Here's billO's response. Give a look if you like. Or if you're lazy - he extends an invite to Snoop to appear on the Factor. Then mumbles something inane about him being a drug dealer. But what's really weird is that last smarmy line, " the ghetto" as if billO was suddenly aroused by the notion of speaking about black people. Oh how dangerous.

I don't watch foxnews anymore. That Crooks and Liars site does a pretty good job summing up what I looking for - like someone compiling just the crashes from car races.

I promise these posts will not delve into just lists of youtube clips. I won't even embed them.

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