Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday quick hit

-more weekend recap: Two regrets from the weekend, the first is not remembering to take photos of paulwall face down ass up on the cement. What were fajita and I thinking? After a full 16 hours of hard work, our invested drinking resulted in immediate concern for an injured friend. Where was the callus insensitivity, the detachment from reality from one too many Macallans? Any real friend would have stopped, laughed, photographed evidence, then prodded him with a toe until he picked himself up.
The second regret is not getting to know all of chike's cool friends. The weekend was too on-the-go, after catching a first name we proceeded to be obnoxious, never spending the time to learn last names, date of births, hometowns, majors, ambitions, hopes and dreams, favorite foods and sports teams, sexual histories, and insurance information. Next time there shall be more substantive conversation.

-Sir Sidney, Sir Sidney, Sir Sidney. What is it about fatass pitchers that I just enjoy so much?

-I've been meaning to write about this for quite some time. My thoughts on steroids were that they were just another "performance enhancer." What made them different from a cup of coffee, or something as arbitrary as home-field advantage - one team having to stay up all night because of delayed flights, or a guy taking some ibuprofen because the afternoon sun gives him headaches? And what happens when we compare these enhancements cross-generationally to modern equipment, training facilities, and improved nutrition? Also, I haven't read anything about HGH being necessarily bad for your body if used correctly. Perhaps studies concerning the long term side effects of controlled use could be created before we say that these things are categorically bad. I am by no means advocating drug use, nor am I one of those all-natural veganism proponents. Just some thoughts. Klosterman presents them in an infinitely clearer manner.

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