Sunday, February 18, 2007

more brew news

That IPAish's OG turned out to be 1.054, a bit lower than what I hoped for. Primary'd for three weeks, secondary'd for three more weeks before again siphoning off trub. Now on second secondary, tertiary(?) with re-dryhopping of second 1-oz bag of splatz. also DH'd in first secondary with same.

Also ran a winter brew a month ago, don't have the exact recipe with me. Had munich, crystal 90, and others, added honey and maple syrup, hopped with cascade and warrior, then tettnang and splatz for aroma. Split pitched with WLP-german grolsh and nottingham. Will have exacts later.

This might be the only time I decide to let politics drip into this blog thing. I attended a screening of The War Tapes this afternoon. Both the film and the audience were quite interesting, to say the least. Give it a go if you've the time or inclination.

Also, resurrected from the xanga days, a brief linkorama (aka banality):
-Daisuke Blogspot
-Spy's Spice

I'll probably add these to the unused link section on the left. Not sure what to think about these and a few other new readings. Anyway, that is all. How are you?

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